.. _development: Development =========== In order to test efficiently, is to test the library against a real CAS server. If you're not able to use one, the best is to work with a local CAS server. If you want to setup your own local CAS server in less than 2 minutes, use the repo `crpeck/cas-overlay-docker`_ and you'll have something working really quickly. Don't forget to setup the HTTPS certificates because the communication between the CAS server and your application MUST be in HTTPS, and I haven't found a way yet to disable this for testing purposes. If you prefer to use your local machine, there are already `some documentation on Github`_. If you want to test against `EU Login`_, make sure that your application respond on the ``localhost`` hostname, it's the only domain for which it will work. However, only basic authentication will work and it will not be possible to enable authentication with proxy because the hostname ``localhost`` will not be accessible from the Internet. Maintainers ----------- See the `MAINTAINERS.txt`_ file. Contributors ------------ See the `Github insights page`_. .. _crpeck/cas-overlay-docker: https://github.com/crpeck/cas-overlay-docker .. _some documentation on Github: https://apereo.github.io/cas/developer/Build-Process.html .. _MAINTAINERS.txt: https://github.com/ecphp/eu-login-bundle/blob/master/MAINTAINERS.txt .. _Github insights page: https://github.com/ecphp/eu-login-bundle/graphs/contributors .. _EU Login: https://ecas.ec.europa.eu/cas/